About Grand Master Han

W.T. certified 8th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo
I.T.F. certified Teuk Gong Moo Sool Instructor
I.H.F. certified 2nd Degree Black Belt in Hapkido
K.G.A. certified Gumdo Instructor & Referee
K.B.C. certified Pro-Boxer & Instructor
Choong-Ang High School Taekwondo Team Member & Coach
Jin Sung Girls Middle School Taekwondo Coach
Korean Military Taekwondo Team Member& Trainer
Bodyguard to the Members of the Korean National Assembly
Taekwondo Canada Dojang Coach Certified
PATU Intercontinental Coach Certified
TO Provincial Referee Certified
Teuk Gong Moo Sool: Official self-defense martial arts of the South Korean for Special Units such as President Secret Service, Law Enforcement, and Special Forces
Hapkido: A form of self defense martial arts using long and close range fighting techniques
Gumdo: An ancient Korean martial art of the sword
W.T. : World Taekwondo
I.T.F. : International Teuk Gong Moo Sool Federation
I.H.F.: International Hapkido Federation
K.B.C.: Korean Boxing Commission
K.G.A.: Korean Gumdo Association
P.A.T.U.: Pan Amarican Taekwondo Union
T.O.: Taekwondo Ontario